olivia govednik
Olivia Govednik was born in Dallas, Texas in 2000. She attended George Fox University where she studied Studio Art, Arts Administration and Art History. During her time there she attended an abroad program in Orvieto, Italy where she studied painting and art history. Govednik graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in December 2023.
As a figurative artist, I always paint someone. Sometimes it’s myself, sometimes strangers, oftentimes people I love. In each painting I add objects and symbols and manipulate the figure or its environment with the specific intention of creating a type of visceral emotion which is personal to me but that I believe anyone can connect to. Through layers of symbolism and ambiguity, it is my desire to provide to viewers an image with meaning they can decipher to a certain extent, but which can also lend itself to their own experiences and their own interpretation. My work is intended to encourage introspection to generate, in the end, connection between viewers and the art. I am driven to continue to make art based on the belief that achieving a level of understanding and connection through art helps us to do the same with each other.