Diane Durant
Diane Durant works with image, text, and found objects to tell true stories, from paddling rivers and road trips to all the everyday stops in between. More often than not, she finds beauty in the boring and eats cake for breakfast. Diane is a graduate of Baylor University (BFA ’01), Dallas Theological Seminary (MA/BC ’04), and the University of Texas at Dallas (MA ’07, PhD ’13) where she currently serves as a Senior Lecturer in Photography. She is the former president of 500X Gallery in Dallas and past editor of The Grassburr, The Rope, Sojourn, and Reunion: The Dallas Review. Her photographs have been exhibited coast to coast, from San Francisco and Seattle to New York and Vermont, with a few stops in the Midwest along the way. In 2015, Diane took her adventuring to Wyoming as the Artist-in-Residence at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. 2013 Humanities/Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at
M.A. 2007 Humanities/Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at
M.A. 2004 Biblical Studies/Counseling, Dallas Theological Seminary,
B.F.A 2001 Studio Art/Photography, Baylor University, Waco TX
Professional Experience
2012 – Present Senior Lecturer in Photography, University of Texas at Dallas
2015 Teaching Artist, Inspired Aging Program, Dallas Public Library
2014 – 15 Instructor, Drawing from the Collection, Modern Art Museum
2013, 15 Teaching Artist, Writing to Look: A Repeat Visit Program,
2008 – 12 Lecturer, Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas
Related Experience
2013 – Present President, 500X Gallery, Dallas
2014 – Present Artist, Art Conspiracy, Dallas TX
2013 Contributor, The Dallas Pavilin, Michael Corris and Jasper
2012 Exhibition Manager, DB12 Vol. 1, Dallas Biennial, Dallas TX
2010 – 11 Researcher, The Photograph Collector’s Guide, Lorraine
2010 – 12 Assistant Editor, Reunion: The Dallas Review
2007 – 10 Editor-in-Chief, Sojourn Arts Journal, University of Texas at
2008 – 09 Reader, Intersections: Women’s and Gender Studies in
2006 – 07 Managing Editor, Sojourn Arts Journal
1998 – 2001 Editor/Writer, The Rope, Baylor University
Exhibition Record
2015 One by One, ATAMA, Dallas (Trey Hill, curator)
Chaos!!! Small Works, Ro2 Art, Dallas (invitational)
Booked, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
Phoneography, fotofoto gallery, Huntington, NY (Dan Burkholder, juror)
Alternative Process, PhotoPlace Gallery, MIddleburry VT, Online Annex (Amy Holmes-George, juror)
Plan X: A Members Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas (Erin and Elissa Stafford, curators)
The silent air of ruin is fragile. 500X Gallery, Dallas (solo)
8th Annual Juried Plastic Camera Show, RayKo, San Francisco CA (Ann Jastrab, juror)
#MobilePhotoNow, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus OH (Josh Johnson and the Columbus Museum of Art, curators)
I tried to follow Eleanor Antin. I only got halfway. Upstairs Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas (collaboration with Devyn Gaudet)
2014 Sugar Rush, En Em Art Space, Sacramento CA (Rhonda Coleman, juror)
Ripe Produce: 500X Members Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas
From the Faraway Nearby, Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center, Tarleton State University, Stephenville TX (invitational)
She Wore Red, 500X Gallery, Dallas (solo)
Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition, Artspace 111, Fort Worth TX (Andrea Karnes and Ron Tyler, jurors)
Mixed e(Motions): Art Unbound by Media, (Julie Baroh, Paul Pauper, and Amy Tipton, jurors) A/NT Gallery, Seattle WA
2013 Between Here and Cool, CentralTrak, Dallas TX (Creative Ph.D. exhibition, solo, catalog)
The Color Black: A Conversation in Three Parts, 500X Gallery, Dallas (Three-person show with L.E. Doughtie and Timothy Harding)
Relative Proximity, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
The Mother Load, Prescott College Art Gallery, Prescott AZ (invitational)
Reframing Documentary: Creative PhD in Progress, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure; Marilyn Waligore, curator)
Monthly Weather Review with Chief Meteorologist Harold Taft, Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas (with Devyn Gaudet)
Midwest Center for Photography Juried Exhibition, Center Gallery, Wichita Kansas (Linda Davidson, Juror)
6th Annual Juried Plastic Camera Show, RayKo, San Francisco CA (Ann Jastrab, Juror)
2012 SPE Member’s Show, South Central Regional Conference, Mississippi State University Visual Arts Center, Oxford MS.
Going on 35! The Annual Member’s Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas
The Gallery as Host, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure; Stephen Lapthisophon, curator)
Everything Old is New Again, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
8 Simultaneous Stories to Be Read Simultaneously, Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (with Erin Shaw)
Bridged, 500 Singleton Blvd, Dallas (Stephen Lapthisophon, curator)
Texasville, Ida Green Gallery, Austin College, Sherman TX (solo)
Another Dog and Pony Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX
2011 Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
You Will Know When You Get There, Ghost Town Arts Collective, LIFE in Deep Ellum, Dallas TX
Selected Works from the Region, Society for Photographic Education Member’s Show, UTSA Arts Gallery, San Antonio TX
Texas Hot Chilly, 500X Gallery Member’s Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX
Plano Art Association 125, The ARTS Gallery, Collin Community College, Plano TX (Michael O’Keefe and Enrique Cervantes, jurors)
Motley’s Fool, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX
Holga Out of the Box International Exhibition, TCC PHOTO GALLERY, Longview TX (Tammy Cromer-Campbell and Christine So, jurors)
500X EXPO, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (Marty Walker, juror)
2010 Faculty Exhibition: Years of Living Dangerously, Main Gallery, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure)
Student Exhibition, FotoArt Gallery, UTD Excellence Island, Second-Life (invitational)
Eleven, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX (invitational)
SELF, Croft Art Gallery, Waco TX (Aaron Sacco, juror)
New Texas Talent 2010, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas TX (Thomas Feulmer, juror)
Down Every Side Street: New Directions in Southwest Art, Las Cruces Museum of Art, Las Cruces NM
Between Here and Cool, Marvin Embree Art, Oklahoma City OK (solo)
Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
Society for Photographic Education Member’s Show, Revolver Gallery, Fayetteville, AR
2009 Show from (No)where, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (invitational)
Show from (No)where, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX (invitational)
Undead at the Ghost Town, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX
Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
2008 Verse and Reverse, Bathhouse Cultural Center, Dallas (invitational)
Fall Arts Festival, The University of Texas at Dallas
2007 Farm to Market, Mezzanine Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas (solo)
Reader’s Art 7: frugal finds for prudent collectors, Susan Hensel Gallery, Minneapolis MN (Susan Hensel, juror)
PhotoWorks 07, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
Dead Guy in the Bluebonnets, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX (Barbara Elam, juror)
Local/e, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas (Marilyn Waligore, curator; catalog)
Society for Photographic Education Student Show, UC Gallery, The University of Texas at Arlington
2006 Society for Photographic Education Student Show, UC Gallery, The University of Texas at Arlington
2001 Faculty/Student Exhibition, Baylor University Art Gallery, Waco (Victoria Star Varner, juror)
2000 Faculty/Student Exhibition, Baylor University Art Gallery, Waco (Dick Davison, juror)
Viewpoint 2000, Bosque County Conservatory of Fine Arts, Clifton TX (María Teresa García-Pedroche, juror)
Exhibitions Curated/ Managed
2015 The Smaller Exotics of Texas (or, How the Barren Ground Caribou would never occupy the same space as the Javelina), Bathhouse Cultural Center Curate + Collaborate Series (with Adam Neese)
Love Us For Good, Edith O’Donnell Arts Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
2013 Collective Bargaining, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, The University of Texas at Dallas (with Lorraine Tady)
2012 DB12 Vol. 1, Dallas Biennial, Dick Higgins Gallery at Oliver Francis Gallery (Exhibition Manager)
2008 Social/Scene: Works from the Comer Collection, The University of Texas at Dallas (brochure)
Scholarly Publications
Diane McGurren, “Is This How It Ends Or What?: Vernon Fisher, Image/Text, and the Postmodern Narrative Under Erasure.” Afterimage (November/December 2011).
Diane McGurren, “Becoming Mythical: Existence and Representation in The Work of Christian Boltanski from La Vie Impossible to Personnes.” Afterimage (July/August 2010).
Diane McGurren, “The Narrative Voice in Social/Scene.” Exhibition catalog, Social/Scene, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2008.
Creative Publications
Diane Durant, “Nightcrawler.” In Scott Wiggerman, David Meischen, and Cindy Huyser (Eds.) Texas Poetry Calendar 2015 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane Durant, “The Phenomenon of The Vortex.” In Cindy Huyser (Ed.) Texas Poetry Calendar 2014 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane McGurren, “Creating Out Loud: An Interview with 2010 Texas Poet Laureate Karla K. Morton.” Reunion: The Dallas Review 1 (2011).
Diane McGurren, “At The Speed of Snails.” In Erik Smetana, Stymie Trading Card Fiction Collection (2011).
Diane McGurren, “Against Predation.” In Scott Wiggerman, David Meischen, and Cindy Huyser (Eds.), Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane McGurren, “National Catfish Day.” In Deb Akers (Ed.), Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review 35 (Winter 2010).
Diane McGurren, “SHOOTING FOR GARRY.” In UTD Creative Writing Faculty (Eds.), Sojourn: Best of UTD (Spring 2010).
Diane McGurren, “Commonplace (or, Digging a Trench for the North Pasture).” In Desirae Aguirre-Treviño (Ed.), RiverSedge 22 (Spring 2009): 24.
Diane McGurren, “Alchemy of a Dream with Rain.” In Desirae Aguirre-Treviño (Ed.), RiverSedge 22 (Spring 2009): 40.
Diane McGurren, “I, Too, Must Understand: An Interview with Artist Stephen Lapthisophon.” Sojourn 21 (2008): 108-120.
Diane McGurren, “The Common House Spider.” In Ann McCrady (Ed.), di-vêrse ́-city, Anthology of the Austin International Poetry Festival (2008):34.
Photography Publications
Featured Artist. ON Magazine, “The Texas Issue” (December 2012).
“Where the South Meets the West” by Clay Reynolds. Chronicles Magazine (May 2012): 45, 46, 47.
“Carpet Racers’ Jay Thames: The filmmaker gives us the lowdown.” Hi-Torque’s R/C Car (January 2010): 81.
Todd Camplin. “Durant + Gaudet.” Todd Camplin Weekly. www.moderndallas.net (January 2015.)
Colette Copeland. “Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet.” Eutopia: Contemporary Art Reviews, Ryder Richards (Ed.). www.eutopia.us (January 2015).
Betsy Lewis. “Diane Durant Photographed America’s Cools for an Exhibit at CentralTrak, and It’s...Cool.” The Dallas Observer (July 2013).
Danielle Georgiou. “The Color Black: A Conversation in Three Parts at 500X.” Glasstire: Texas Visual Art. (June 2, 2013). Glasstire.com.
Andy Amato. “Recent + Current Works.” Arts + Culture Magazine North Texas. (October 2012): 44.
Conferences and Symposia
2014 Presenter, Society for Photographic Education, National Conference, Baltimore MD (“The Movement is the Message: Image-text and Double Literacy in the American Road Story”)
2011 Presenter, Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, San Antonio TX (“Keeping It Cool: Writing with a Photographic Eye, Photographing with a Narrative Voice”)
Presenter, 15th Annual ASU Writer’s Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton, Angelo State University, San Angelo TX
RAW: Research, Art, Writing Symposium, The University of Texas at Dallas (Panel: “RAW Creativity: Photography, Poetry, Fiction”)
2010 Imagemaker, Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, Fayetteville AR (“Between Here and Cool: Documenting Texasville through Image and Text”)
Fotofest, Houston TX (selected student: Student Observation Program)
RAW: Research, Art, Writing Symposium, The University of Texas at Dallas (Panel: “Representation and the Self: Poetry, Fiction, Art”)
2007 Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, Arlington TX (Panel: “Contemporary Documentary Practice”)
Awards/ Honors/ Grants/ Residency
2015 Artist-in-Residence, Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Fort Smith MT
2014 Best in Show, Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition (Andrea Karnes and Ron Tyler, jurors)
Pushcart Prize Nominee (Dos Gatos Press), 2014
2011 Betty and Gifford Harris Travel Grant, The University of Texas at Dallas
Graduate Student Art Award, The University of Texas at Dallas
Graduate Research Grant in Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at Dallas
2010 Student Travel Grant, School of Arts and Humanities, The University of Texas at Dallas
Semi-Finalist, PAGE International Screenwriting Awards (Shorts)
AWP Travel Grant Award, School of Arts and Humanities, The University of Texas at Dallas
Winner, Best of UTD Writing Contest (drama, screenplays), The University of Texas at Dallas
2001 Silver Addy Award, Ad Club of Waco – American Advertising Federation
Documentary Film
CARPET RACERS (2009), camera operator, still photographer. Official Selection
Queens International Film Festival, Ventura International Film Festival, Three
Rivers International Film Festival, South Africa International Film Festival, Great
Lakes International Film Festival, Orlando International Film Festival, USA
International Film Festival, Honolulu International Film Festival (Aloha Accolade Award).
Readings and Lectures
2015 Artist Talks, One by One, ATAMA, Dallas TX
2014 Exhibiting artist’s lecture, “The movement is the message.” Tarleton State University, Stephenville TX
2013 Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2014 reading series, Half Price Books, Dallas TX
Artist’s lecture, “Shooting Cool.” The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX
Reframing Documentary, exhibiting artist panel, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
2012 Photography Workshop, “Sequencing Photographs,” Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts 2012-2013 Showcase, Dallas TX
Artist’s Lecture, “Shooting Texasville.” Austin College, Sherman TX Invited reader, Stymie’s off-site reading, Association of Writing and Writing Professionals Conference, Chicago IL
2011 Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 reading series, Bookpeople, Austin TX
Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 reading series, Half Price Books, Dallas TX
Featured poet, Spring Show Arts & Humanities Creative Writing Showcase, The University of Texas at Dallas
Featured poet, Borderlands release, Bookwoman, Austin TX
Featured poet, 15th Annual ASU Writer’s Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton, Angelo State University, San Angelo TX
2010 Featured Poet, Langdon Weekend, sponsored by the Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas, Granbury TX
2008 Featured Anthology Poet, Austin International Poetry Festival
2007 Featured Poet, Next on Deck, Southside on Lamar, Dallas
Featured Poet, Word!UP Summer Poetry Series, The University of Texas at Dallas
Featured Emerging Poet, Texas Unbound Literary Festival, Undermain Theatre, sponsored by Wordspace, Dallas TX
Professional Affiliations
500X Gallery (President 2013-15)
Ghost Town Arts Collective
The Junior Ward (founding member)
Society for Photographic Education
Diane Durant works with image, text, and found objects to tell true stories, from paddling rivers and road trips to all the everyday stops in between. More often than not, she finds beauty in the boring and eats cake for breakfast. Diane is a graduate of Baylor University (BFA ’01), Dallas Theological Seminary (MA/BC ’04), and the University of Texas at Dallas (MA ’07, PhD ’13) where she currently serves as a Senior Lecturer in Photography. She is the former president of 500X Gallery in Dallas and past editor of The Grassburr, The Rope, Sojourn, and Reunion: The Dallas Review. Her photographs have been exhibited coast to coast, from San Francisco and Seattle to New York and Vermont, with a few stops in the Midwest along the way. In 2015, Diane took her adventuring to Wyoming as the Artist-in-Residence at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. 2013 Humanities/Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at
M.A. 2007 Humanities/Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at
M.A. 2004 Biblical Studies/Counseling, Dallas Theological Seminary,
B.F.A 2001 Studio Art/Photography, Baylor University, Waco TX
Professional Experience
2012 – Present Senior Lecturer in Photography, University of Texas at Dallas
2015 Teaching Artist, Inspired Aging Program, Dallas Public Library
2014 – 15 Instructor, Drawing from the Collection, Modern Art Museum
2013, 15 Teaching Artist, Writing to Look: A Repeat Visit Program,
2008 – 12 Lecturer, Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas
Related Experience
2013 – Present President, 500X Gallery, Dallas
2014 – Present Artist, Art Conspiracy, Dallas TX
2013 Contributor, The Dallas Pavilin, Michael Corris and Jasper
2012 Exhibition Manager, DB12 Vol. 1, Dallas Biennial, Dallas TX
2010 – 11 Researcher, The Photograph Collector’s Guide, Lorraine
2010 – 12 Assistant Editor, Reunion: The Dallas Review
2007 – 10 Editor-in-Chief, Sojourn Arts Journal, University of Texas at
2008 – 09 Reader, Intersections: Women’s and Gender Studies in
2006 – 07 Managing Editor, Sojourn Arts Journal
1998 – 2001 Editor/Writer, The Rope, Baylor University
Exhibition Record
2015 One by One, ATAMA, Dallas (Trey Hill, curator)
Chaos!!! Small Works, Ro2 Art, Dallas (invitational)
Booked, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
Phoneography, fotofoto gallery, Huntington, NY (Dan Burkholder, juror)
Alternative Process, PhotoPlace Gallery, MIddleburry VT, Online Annex (Amy Holmes-George, juror)
Plan X: A Members Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas (Erin and Elissa Stafford, curators)
The silent air of ruin is fragile. 500X Gallery, Dallas (solo)
8th Annual Juried Plastic Camera Show, RayKo, San Francisco CA (Ann Jastrab, juror)
#MobilePhotoNow, Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus OH (Josh Johnson and the Columbus Museum of Art, curators)
I tried to follow Eleanor Antin. I only got halfway. Upstairs Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas (collaboration with Devyn Gaudet)
2014 Sugar Rush, En Em Art Space, Sacramento CA (Rhonda Coleman, juror)
Ripe Produce: 500X Members Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas
From the Faraway Nearby, Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center, Tarleton State University, Stephenville TX (invitational)
She Wore Red, 500X Gallery, Dallas (solo)
Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition, Artspace 111, Fort Worth TX (Andrea Karnes and Ron Tyler, jurors)
Mixed e(Motions): Art Unbound by Media, (Julie Baroh, Paul Pauper, and Amy Tipton, jurors) A/NT Gallery, Seattle WA
2013 Between Here and Cool, CentralTrak, Dallas TX (Creative Ph.D. exhibition, solo, catalog)
The Color Black: A Conversation in Three Parts, 500X Gallery, Dallas (Three-person show with L.E. Doughtie and Timothy Harding)
Relative Proximity, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
The Mother Load, Prescott College Art Gallery, Prescott AZ (invitational)
Reframing Documentary: Creative PhD in Progress, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure; Marilyn Waligore, curator)
Monthly Weather Review with Chief Meteorologist Harold Taft, Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas (with Devyn Gaudet)
Midwest Center for Photography Juried Exhibition, Center Gallery, Wichita Kansas (Linda Davidson, Juror)
6th Annual Juried Plastic Camera Show, RayKo, San Francisco CA (Ann Jastrab, Juror)
2012 SPE Member’s Show, South Central Regional Conference, Mississippi State University Visual Arts Center, Oxford MS.
Going on 35! The Annual Member’s Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas
The Gallery as Host, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure; Stephen Lapthisophon, curator)
Everything Old is New Again, Ghost Town Arts Collective, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX
8 Simultaneous Stories to Be Read Simultaneously, Project Space, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (with Erin Shaw)
Bridged, 500 Singleton Blvd, Dallas (Stephen Lapthisophon, curator)
Texasville, Ida Green Gallery, Austin College, Sherman TX (solo)
Another Dog and Pony Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX
2011 Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
You Will Know When You Get There, Ghost Town Arts Collective, LIFE in Deep Ellum, Dallas TX
Selected Works from the Region, Society for Photographic Education Member’s Show, UTSA Arts Gallery, San Antonio TX
Texas Hot Chilly, 500X Gallery Member’s Show, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX
Plano Art Association 125, The ARTS Gallery, Collin Community College, Plano TX (Michael O’Keefe and Enrique Cervantes, jurors)
Motley’s Fool, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX
Holga Out of the Box International Exhibition, TCC PHOTO GALLERY, Longview TX (Tammy Cromer-Campbell and Christine So, jurors)
500X EXPO, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (Marty Walker, juror)
2010 Faculty Exhibition: Years of Living Dangerously, Main Gallery, University of Texas at Dallas (brochure)
Student Exhibition, FotoArt Gallery, UTD Excellence Island, Second-Life (invitational)
Eleven, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX (invitational)
SELF, Croft Art Gallery, Waco TX (Aaron Sacco, juror)
New Texas Talent 2010, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas TX (Thomas Feulmer, juror)
Down Every Side Street: New Directions in Southwest Art, Las Cruces Museum of Art, Las Cruces NM
Between Here and Cool, Marvin Embree Art, Oklahoma City OK (solo)
Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
Society for Photographic Education Member’s Show, Revolver Gallery, Fayetteville, AR
2009 Show from (No)where, 500X Gallery, Dallas TX (invitational)
Show from (No)where, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX (invitational)
Undead at the Ghost Town, Old Ghost Town Gallery, Denison TX
Annual Small Works Show, JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City OK (Invitational)
2008 Verse and Reverse, Bathhouse Cultural Center, Dallas (invitational)
Fall Arts Festival, The University of Texas at Dallas
2007 Farm to Market, Mezzanine Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas (solo)
Reader’s Art 7: frugal finds for prudent collectors, Susan Hensel Gallery, Minneapolis MN (Susan Hensel, juror)
PhotoWorks 07, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
Dead Guy in the Bluebonnets, Ida Green Gallery, Sherman TX (Barbara Elam, juror)
Local/e, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas (Marilyn Waligore, curator; catalog)
Society for Photographic Education Student Show, UC Gallery, The University of Texas at Arlington
2006 Society for Photographic Education Student Show, UC Gallery, The University of Texas at Arlington
2001 Faculty/Student Exhibition, Baylor University Art Gallery, Waco (Victoria Star Varner, juror)
2000 Faculty/Student Exhibition, Baylor University Art Gallery, Waco (Dick Davison, juror)
Viewpoint 2000, Bosque County Conservatory of Fine Arts, Clifton TX (María Teresa García-Pedroche, juror)
Exhibitions Curated/ Managed
2015 The Smaller Exotics of Texas (or, How the Barren Ground Caribou would never occupy the same space as the Javelina), Bathhouse Cultural Center Curate + Collaborate Series (with Adam Neese)
Love Us For Good, Edith O’Donnell Arts Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
2013 Collective Bargaining, Main Gallery, Visual Arts Building, The University of Texas at Dallas (with Lorraine Tady)
2012 DB12 Vol. 1, Dallas Biennial, Dick Higgins Gallery at Oliver Francis Gallery (Exhibition Manager)
2008 Social/Scene: Works from the Comer Collection, The University of Texas at Dallas (brochure)
Scholarly Publications
Diane McGurren, “Is This How It Ends Or What?: Vernon Fisher, Image/Text, and the Postmodern Narrative Under Erasure.” Afterimage (November/December 2011).
Diane McGurren, “Becoming Mythical: Existence and Representation in The Work of Christian Boltanski from La Vie Impossible to Personnes.” Afterimage (July/August 2010).
Diane McGurren, “The Narrative Voice in Social/Scene.” Exhibition catalog, Social/Scene, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2008.
Creative Publications
Diane Durant, “Nightcrawler.” In Scott Wiggerman, David Meischen, and Cindy Huyser (Eds.) Texas Poetry Calendar 2015 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane Durant, “The Phenomenon of The Vortex.” In Cindy Huyser (Ed.) Texas Poetry Calendar 2014 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane McGurren, “Creating Out Loud: An Interview with 2010 Texas Poet Laureate Karla K. Morton.” Reunion: The Dallas Review 1 (2011).
Diane McGurren, “At The Speed of Snails.” In Erik Smetana, Stymie Trading Card Fiction Collection (2011).
Diane McGurren, “Against Predation.” In Scott Wiggerman, David Meischen, and Cindy Huyser (Eds.), Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 (Dos Gatos Press).
Diane McGurren, “National Catfish Day.” In Deb Akers (Ed.), Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review 35 (Winter 2010).
Diane McGurren, “SHOOTING FOR GARRY.” In UTD Creative Writing Faculty (Eds.), Sojourn: Best of UTD (Spring 2010).
Diane McGurren, “Commonplace (or, Digging a Trench for the North Pasture).” In Desirae Aguirre-Treviño (Ed.), RiverSedge 22 (Spring 2009): 24.
Diane McGurren, “Alchemy of a Dream with Rain.” In Desirae Aguirre-Treviño (Ed.), RiverSedge 22 (Spring 2009): 40.
Diane McGurren, “I, Too, Must Understand: An Interview with Artist Stephen Lapthisophon.” Sojourn 21 (2008): 108-120.
Diane McGurren, “The Common House Spider.” In Ann McCrady (Ed.), di-vêrse ́-city, Anthology of the Austin International Poetry Festival (2008):34.
Photography Publications
Featured Artist. ON Magazine, “The Texas Issue” (December 2012).
“Where the South Meets the West” by Clay Reynolds. Chronicles Magazine (May 2012): 45, 46, 47.
“Carpet Racers’ Jay Thames: The filmmaker gives us the lowdown.” Hi-Torque’s R/C Car (January 2010): 81.
Todd Camplin. “Durant + Gaudet.” Todd Camplin Weekly. www.moderndallas.net (January 2015.)
Colette Copeland. “Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet.” Eutopia: Contemporary Art Reviews, Ryder Richards (Ed.). www.eutopia.us (January 2015).
Betsy Lewis. “Diane Durant Photographed America’s Cools for an Exhibit at CentralTrak, and It’s...Cool.” The Dallas Observer (July 2013).
Danielle Georgiou. “The Color Black: A Conversation in Three Parts at 500X.” Glasstire: Texas Visual Art. (June 2, 2013). Glasstire.com.
Andy Amato. “Recent + Current Works.” Arts + Culture Magazine North Texas. (October 2012): 44.
Conferences and Symposia
2014 Presenter, Society for Photographic Education, National Conference, Baltimore MD (“The Movement is the Message: Image-text and Double Literacy in the American Road Story”)
2011 Presenter, Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, San Antonio TX (“Keeping It Cool: Writing with a Photographic Eye, Photographing with a Narrative Voice”)
Presenter, 15th Annual ASU Writer’s Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton, Angelo State University, San Angelo TX
RAW: Research, Art, Writing Symposium, The University of Texas at Dallas (Panel: “RAW Creativity: Photography, Poetry, Fiction”)
2010 Imagemaker, Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, Fayetteville AR (“Between Here and Cool: Documenting Texasville through Image and Text”)
Fotofest, Houston TX (selected student: Student Observation Program)
RAW: Research, Art, Writing Symposium, The University of Texas at Dallas (Panel: “Representation and the Self: Poetry, Fiction, Art”)
2007 Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, Arlington TX (Panel: “Contemporary Documentary Practice”)
Awards/ Honors/ Grants/ Residency
2015 Artist-in-Residence, Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Fort Smith MT
2014 Best in Show, Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition (Andrea Karnes and Ron Tyler, jurors)
Pushcart Prize Nominee (Dos Gatos Press), 2014
2011 Betty and Gifford Harris Travel Grant, The University of Texas at Dallas
Graduate Student Art Award, The University of Texas at Dallas
Graduate Research Grant in Aesthetic Studies, The University of Texas at Dallas
2010 Student Travel Grant, School of Arts and Humanities, The University of Texas at Dallas
Semi-Finalist, PAGE International Screenwriting Awards (Shorts)
AWP Travel Grant Award, School of Arts and Humanities, The University of Texas at Dallas
Winner, Best of UTD Writing Contest (drama, screenplays), The University of Texas at Dallas
2001 Silver Addy Award, Ad Club of Waco – American Advertising Federation
Documentary Film
CARPET RACERS (2009), camera operator, still photographer. Official Selection
Queens International Film Festival, Ventura International Film Festival, Three
Rivers International Film Festival, South Africa International Film Festival, Great
Lakes International Film Festival, Orlando International Film Festival, USA
International Film Festival, Honolulu International Film Festival (Aloha Accolade Award).
Readings and Lectures
2015 Artist Talks, One by One, ATAMA, Dallas TX
2014 Exhibiting artist’s lecture, “The movement is the message.” Tarleton State University, Stephenville TX
2013 Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2014 reading series, Half Price Books, Dallas TX
Artist’s lecture, “Shooting Cool.” The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX
Reframing Documentary, exhibiting artist panel, Main Gallery, The University of Texas at Dallas
2012 Photography Workshop, “Sequencing Photographs,” Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts 2012-2013 Showcase, Dallas TX
Artist’s Lecture, “Shooting Texasville.” Austin College, Sherman TX Invited reader, Stymie’s off-site reading, Association of Writing and Writing Professionals Conference, Chicago IL
2011 Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 reading series, Bookpeople, Austin TX
Featured poet, Texas Poetry Calendar 2012 reading series, Half Price Books, Dallas TX
Featured poet, Spring Show Arts & Humanities Creative Writing Showcase, The University of Texas at Dallas
Featured poet, Borderlands release, Bookwoman, Austin TX
Featured poet, 15th Annual ASU Writer’s Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton, Angelo State University, San Angelo TX
2010 Featured Poet, Langdon Weekend, sponsored by the Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas, Granbury TX
2008 Featured Anthology Poet, Austin International Poetry Festival
2007 Featured Poet, Next on Deck, Southside on Lamar, Dallas
Featured Poet, Word!UP Summer Poetry Series, The University of Texas at Dallas
Featured Emerging Poet, Texas Unbound Literary Festival, Undermain Theatre, sponsored by Wordspace, Dallas TX
Professional Affiliations
500X Gallery (President 2013-15)
Ghost Town Arts Collective
The Junior Ward (founding member)
Society for Photographic Education