Colby Currie
Colby Currie is a visual artist whose work draws upon an investigative approach to both traditional and non-traditional materials. His process employs a routine of sourcing nature and human effects upon the public landscape. Currie records and interprets his findings on canvas or by appropriating found materials. Originally from Canyon TX, he continued his studies at West Texas A&M where he received BFA in painting and drawing. Colby earned his MFA from University of North Texas.
Artist Statement Looking to the everyday routine of a walk to the store or a ride to the studio, I observe nature and human effects on public spaces. Mash-ups of materials and un-expected forms create an urban corridor to my daily destination. Combining ephemeral jolts from the day-to-day with discoveries in the studio, I identify collections of marks, stains and transfers as visual queues to direct my process. Recognizing these overlooked or unintended surfaces I utilize materials both found and sensed from my daily environment, resulting in this series of paintings and drawings. |