Cheryl Finfrock
One supper, three stories
April 27 - may 25, 2019
RO2 ART | the cedars
1501 south ervay street, dallas TX 75215
APRIL 27 - MAY 25, 2019
Ro2 Art | Dallas, TX |
Ro2 is proud to present One Supper, Three Stories, a solo exhibition featuring new paintings and drawings by artist Cheryl Finfrock. The show will run from April 27 through May 25, 2019. There will be an opening reception held on Saturday, April 27, 7-10 PM at Ro2’s Cedars Gallery located at 1501 S Ervay Street, Dallas, TX 75215.
Being fascinated with surfaces that I can mark up, I work with lines that are scarred, scratched, and drawn on and into smooth surfaces. My current work is a study of people and places I’ve met, spotted, conjured, and dreamed. The images are extrapolated from media, old anonymous flea market photos and some of my own photography; all to be compiled and rebuilt. My surfaces are often unforgiving and strangely, that characteristic draws me to it. These marks are permanent, like choices from our past. This process feels like a metaphor for human interaction. If a bad mark cannot be forgiven, the story ends there. But with forgiveness, the mistaken mark can be built upon or swayed, turned into a new creation. The work has space to become when the story is open ended, the mark making furthering the creation through its own faults.
Cheryl Finfrock is a native Texan from Dallas, and a San Francisco transplant presently painting in Austin. She has enjoyed traveling and exhibiting in New York City, the West Coast, and in several European cities, including Berlin, Paris, and Sofia.
A Trinity University graduate in both art and literature, she explores the figure in its awkwardness, anonymity, and universality, creating a narrative steeped in the tradition of Texas storytelling. Cheryl Finfrock creates monotypes and paintings on paper, canvas, and wood. Narrative expressionism, humor, and symbolism are central throughout her work. Recent exhibits span US and Europe including New York City, San Francisco, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Berlin, Copenhagen, Montreal, Olomouc, Paris, and Sofia. “I like the idea that stories told with images can communicate silently but not necessarily quietly. I regard the picture plane as a stage and those who occupy it as characters of place and person.” |