ANGEL cabrales
it came from beyond the border 3:
tender care detention
January 26 - February 23, 2019
RO2 ART | Downtown pop-up
1508 commerce street, dallas tx 75201
January 26 - February 23, 2019
Ro2 Art | Dallas, TX |
Dallas, January 2019 - Ro2 Art is proud to present IT CAME FROM BEYOND THE BORDER 3: TENDER CARE DETENTION, a solo exhibition featuring new works by artist, Angel Cabrales. The show will run from January 26 through February 23, 2019. There will be an opening reception held Saturday, January 26, from 7-10 p.m. at the Ro2 Art Downtown Pop-Up located at 1508 Commerce Street in Downtown Dallas.
Artist Angel Cabrales creates a parallel realm stylized as if it were a satirical B-movie sci-fi, where Xenophobia and hate eclipse compassion and empathy in a commentary on our current political climate. In IT CAME FROM BEYOND THE BORDER 3: TENDER CARE DETENTION, Cabrales investigates the dehumanization of refugees and migrants through various media sculpture, paintings, and installations where the artworks concept ultimately dictates the materials needed for its creation. |
In a world filled with xenophobia and false truths, our only weapon is compassion. Witness a realm parallel to our own, yet distinctly changed. A world where the “other,” is met with hate instead or open arms. Where empathy is weakness and takes a side step for profit and fear mongering. Observe and experience! IT CAME FROM BEYOND THE BORDER 3!
Exploring the dehumanization of refugees and migrants, the fabrication of fear, and the sanitized, palatable aspects of Latino culture, Cabrales makes commentary on the unfounded fears playing a part in our current political climate through a satirical installation in a B-movie, Mexploitation, Tequila Sci-Fi format. Taking the term illegal alien and turning it on its head to show the absurdity of the fears being pushed by the current administration. En un mundo lleno de xenofobia y verdades falsas, nuestra unica arma es la compasión. Se testigo de un ámbito paralelo al nuestro, pero claramente distinto. A un mundo donde el "otro" es recibido con odio en vez de con brazos abiertos. Donde la empatia es vista como una debilidad y se hace a un lado por ganacias y para inculcar el miedo. Observa y experimenta! "IT CAME FROM BEYOND THE BORDER 3" Al explorar la deshumanización de los refujiados y los imigrantes, la fabricación de el miedo, y ver como limpian la imagen de la cultura Latina y solo dejan la parte agradable; Cabrales hace un comentario sobre los miedos sin fundamento que actualmente tienen un papel central en el clima politico, por medio de una instalación satírica en una pelicula de segunda calidad en el formato Mexpliotation, Tequila Sci Fi. Poniendo el termino "illegal" de cabeza para ilustar que tan absurdos son los temores que la admistracion politica actual trata de fomentar. |
From the border city, El Paso, TX, Angel Cabrales earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Arizona State University and his Master of Fine Arts from the University of North Texas. Currently he is an assistant professor in Sculpture at the University of Texas at El Paso, as well as a mentor in The Low Residency Master of Fine Arts Program for the School of Art Institute of Chicago.
He has exhibited his artwork extensively, having his work featured in both solo and group exhibitions at renowned institutions and galleries including the International TransBorder Biennial in El Paso, TX and Juarez, Mexico, Texas Biennial in Austin, TX, The Sculpture Biennial at the Amarillo Museum of Art in Amarillo, TX, MAC Dallas, the Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum in Mesa, AZ, The Latino Cultural Center of Dallas, TX, The Longview Museum of Art in Longview, TX, El Paso Museum of Art in EL Paso, TX, Wave Pool Gallery in Cincinnati, OH, Grand Art Haus in Phoenix, AZ, Baton Rouge Gallery in Baton Rouge, LA, and collaborated with the AMBOS Project (an intervention collaboration). Angel is represented by the Ro2 Art Gallery in Dallas, TX and the Royse Contemporary in Scottsdale, AZ. He also participated in the Photo Book, La Frontera: Artists along the Mexican/American Border by German photographer Stefan Falk and most recently raised over $7000 for Annunciation House in El Paso to assist the refugee families and children in detention center in Tornillo, TX. Angel views everything as an artistic resource and utilizes this in all his creations. From his extensive experience with a variety of mediums and styles, to the intangibles, such as his upbringing, his work grows and expands with the requirements presented from each new idea. The artwork’s concept ultimately dictates the medium needed for its creation, so artistic evolution is intrinsic in his philosophy. |